
2021 I-Codes Adoption Kit

Codes and Standards
Contact: Gary Ehrlich
[email protected]
Director, Construction Codes & Standards
(202) 266-8545

Jurisdictions at the state or local level periodically update the building code requirements. During the code adoption process, there are typically questions related to the new changes and cost impacts of the code edition being considered for adoption.. This kit addresses these concerns for adoption of the 2021 I-Codes and provides NAHB-suggested amendments that take into account concerns from builders, including cost-effectiveness and payback for home buyers

The 2021 I-Codes Adoption Kit consists of three parts:

  • Significant changes that were made in the 2021 I-Codes from the 2018 editions: One section for single-family construction and another for multifamily.
  • Cost impact of adopting the 2021 IRC relative to the 2018 edition.
  • NAHB-suggested amendments to improve the codes’ practicality and cost effectiveness.

Note: For Chapter 11 - Energy Efficiency of the IRC, see the code adoption information on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code page.