Fire Sprinklers

Codes and Standards
Contact: Gary Ehrlich
[email protected]
Director, Construction Codes & Standards
(202) 266-8545

Recent editions of the International Residential Code contain a mandate for fire sprinklers in all new one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses. Most states have defeated this mandate through the code adoption process or legislation. But proponents continue to push for a nationwide mandate using emotional arguments.

NAHB continues to counter emotional arguments with reason, facts and common sense, as we did in an article that Fire Protection Engineering .

Fire sprinklers in single-family homes are illogical for the expense, as homes are already designed with many points of egress and smoke detectors can alert homeowners to fires before they spread. If you are fighting a proposed mandate in your jurisdiction, use the resources below to help. You can also download more details, maps and tables.

Use these compiled questions and answers to help refute opponents who would push for mandates. The responses are divided by topic area so it’s easier to cut and paste when you write your responses. Contact NAHB for examples of legislative language used by HBAs in their efforts to keep fire sprinklers a voluntary measure for one- and two-family homes.

Recent Studies




NAHB’s Response to the NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative The National Fire Protection Association released this infographic on why it thinks homes fire sprinklers are important.