Building Resilience: Policy and Advocacy

Contact: Michael Mittelholzer
[email protected]
AVP, Environmental Policy
(202) 266-8660

Resiliency plans, policies and programs — existing as well as those under development — will significantly impact how and where new homes and communities are built. They will also greatly influence how existing structures and cities are re-engineered, rebuilt and/or remodeled.

Recognizing the cross-cutting nature of these efforts, the NAHB convened a working group on resiliency in 2015 to lead a comprehensive and coordinated approach to policy and advocacy work within the association.

Policy Statements

NAHB Policy and Advocacy Resources

Other Policy Resources

  • Resource site for updated status information and FAQ documents on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) efforts to transform the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by redesigning how flood insurance policies are rated.

  • A compilation of tools for practitioners developed by FEMA to improve a community’s ability to prepare and recover including and .

Final Report and Recommendations of the NAHB Resiliency Working Group A compilation of recommendations developed by the Working Group on Resiliency for use by NAHB leadership.