
Construction and Codes

The NAHB urges Congress, the Administration, and state and local governments to focus any resiliency efforts on implementing market-driven solutions that encourage greater resiliency in the housing industry while preserving housing affordability.

NAHB urges any entity considering a resiliency initiative to obtain input from the home building industry and:

  1. Focus on improving the older homes, structures, and infrastructure that are less resilient to natural disasters;
  2. Establish baseline thresholds and reasonable performance levels for all probable risks based on sound scientific data;
  3. Consider reasonable and probable impacts that natural and man-made disasters may have on the specific community and built environment at the regional, state, and local level;
  4. Rely on a clear methodology to substantiate proposed resiliency strategies and alternatives, including cost benefit analyses and technology assessments; and
  5. Maintain local control over community planning and land use decisions.

NAHB urges the federal government to provide the necessary resources to builders, developers and building code officials to enhance their knowledge of the national model codes and acceptable and realistic mitigation strategies, thereby improving compliance with the construction codes and land development requirements that will lead to enhanced resiliency in our communities.

Resolution originally adopted: 2014.6, Resolution No. 2

Committee with primary jurisdiction:

  • Construction, Codes & Standards Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download