
Advertising in Building Women


Creating a Powerful Community

Building Women magazine serves the needs of a large, close-knit community with national reach. Received by 1,500 subscribers, including the most powerful women in the building industry, your ad will gain exposure in a highly lucrative market of involved decision makers that help shape our industry.


All PWB members receive Building Women as a member benefit. Building Women is also distributed to NAHB PWB’s network of more than 50 HBAs that host local PWB councils throughout the United States. It is published tri-annually (Winter, Spring, and Fall), and there is a bonus distribution at the annual International Builders' Show.

Must Read Editorial

Building Women magazine is the only home building publication of its kind and features compelling editorial. Articles focus on issues, concerns and needs that your products and services can help solve. The magazine’s attractive, lively design and must read editorial is the perfect print environment to showcase your solutions.

  • Full Page 4-Color
    • $1,250 for 1 issue
    • $1,000 per issue for 2-3 issues
  • Cover 2 (inside front cover)
    • $2,000 for 1 issues
    • $1,750 per issue for 2-3 issues
  • Cover 3 (inside back cover)
    • $1,750 per issue
    • $1,500 per issue for 2-3 issues
  • Cover 4 (back cover)
    • $2,000 for 1 issues
    • $1,750 per issue for 2-3 issues
  • 1/2 page 4-color
    • $875 for 1 issue
    • $750 per issue for 2-3 issues

Trim size: 8.25 x 10.875; bleed size: 8.5 x 11.125. full specs available upon request.

All ads are four-color. Current PWB Council members receive a 10% discount. An additional 10% discount is available for pre-paid placements. Agency commissions not available.