
Associate Member Appreciation Month Toolkit

Associate Members Committee
Contact: Topher McLarty
[email protected]
Director, Net Member Growth
(202) 266-8246

September is Associate Member Appreciation Month – an annual celebration of Associate members for their contributions to the NAHB Federation and the home building industry. Associates are our industry’s suppliers, service providers and product manufacturers – a vital component of home building and our association.

Goals of Associate Member Appreciation Month

  • Honor and thank Associate members for their contributions to the association
  • Increase awareness and appreciation of the unique contributions Associate members make to the association
  • Promote programs, services and professional learning opportunities for Associate members
  • Celebrate successful Associate members, Associate member programs, state and local Associate councils and Builder-Associate partnerships

How you and your HBA can participate in Associate Member Appreciation Month

Give a thoughtful gift

  • Send a personalized thank-you card: NAHB has cards available to order through for only $0.01 per card. This special price includes customization, printing, postage and mailing! The offer expires Sept. 30.

Celebrate Associates for their hard work

  • Submit your Associates of Excellence Award nominations: NAHB's Associate member awards acknowledge Associates for their remarkable contributions to the housing industry at the local, state and national levels. Each local may submit one nominee or each award directly to NAHB. States are also encouraged to submit one nominee for each award.
  • Ask NAHB to feature an Associate on Facebook: With more than 1,400 members, is an excellent opportunity to highlight outstanding Associate members. Send us an Associate member's name, job title, company, details on why we should feature this member, any major accomplishments and a picture. Email Courtney Sigler to submit their information.

Promote Associates to your community

  • Boost online engagement: Use the hashtag #AMAM24 when posting on social media during the month of September.
  • Do Business with a Member: Promote the importance of hiring Associate members through social media and email campaigns using Do Business with an NAHB Member graphics.
  • Spread the word: Share these social media graphics during Associate Member Appreciation Month: AMAM Graphic 1 (1080x1080), AMAM Graphic 2 (1080x1080).

Associate Member Appreciation Month Graphic 1

Associate Member Appreciation Month

Associate Member Appreciation Month Graphic 2

Associate Member Appreciation Month

Build a thriving community of Associate members.

  • When recruiting Associate members, include brochure inserts tailored to prospective members who provide  and to . Inserts are available in the marketing materials store.
  • Host an Associate learning session: Invite your Associate members to a special learning session to complete an NAHB Education course. For example,  is an on-demand course designed to teach industry professionals about the construction process — and it’s free to all NAHB members.
  • Support the Associate Member Leadership Grant: Donate to support NAHB grant funding that assists select Associate members to attend NAHB board meetings.

More ideas to celebrate Associate Member Appreciation Month