Professional Women in Building/National Housing Endowment Scholarships and Grants


The scholarship and grants funds encourage individuals to further their education and training in housing industry related programs. Three PWB/NHE scholarships and grants are currently available to qualified applicants.

Strategies for Success Scholarship

The Strategies for Success Scholarship provides financial support to qualified students interested in advancing their education in housing industry related programs. NAHB PWB’s past national president Deborah Ferland and Austin Ferland initiated the scholarship in 2001.


  • Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students, at the start of the Fall semester with at least one full academic year of coursework remaining after the scholarship is received.
  • Applicants must be pursuing an education in a housing-related course of study (e.g., construction management, construction technology, civil engineering, architecture, design, trade specialties) at a two-year or four-year college or university/vocational program.
  • High school seniors are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must submit a complete application with two letters of recommendation by the application deadline.
  • Preference will be given to applicants unable to afford a college education without financial assistance.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who are members of a Student Chapter of NAHB.
  • Scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 (on a 4-point GPA scale) for all courses and a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4-point GPA scale) for core curriculum courses. If a scholarship recipient’s GPA falls below the minimum GPA requirement, NAHB PWB’s Strategies for Success Scholarship Selection Working Group reserves the right to cease further funding of the scholarship.

Building Hope Scholarship

The Building Hope Scholarship provides financial support to qualified students interested in advancing their education and training in building industry related fields. In 1955, Hope S. Bettilyon, former President of the NAHB Women’s Auxiliary, now known as the NAHB Professional Women in Building Council, initiated the scholarship. Local NAHB PWB councils are encouraged to promote the Building Hope Scholarship to students in their communities.


  • Applicants must be enrolled as full-time or part-time students at the start of the Fall semester at a college, university or trade school with at least one course or trade related program remaining after the scholarship is received.
  • Applicants must be pursuing an education in a building related course of study or vocational/trade program.
  • Awards are given for tuition, school/program fees only and will be paid directly to the academic/program institution by the National Housing Endowment.
  • Scholarship recipients may be required to provide verification of enrollment prior to disbursement of award.
  • Applicants must submit a complete application with letters of recommendation by the application deadline.

Leadership Grant

The Professional Women in Building Leadership Grant provides financial support to qualified applicants to help defray cost associated with professional development opportunities including housing and building related certifications, designations and licensing fees, travel expenses to NAHB’s Spring Leadership Meeting in Washington, D.C., June 10-13, expenses related to career development and other building related programs.


  • Applicants must be PWB members in good standing.
  • Preference may be given to PWB members who have served in PWB leadership roles at the local and/or national levels (i.e. local council chair/vice chair, NAHB PWB subcommittee chair/vice chair, etc.).
  • If applicable, proof of course/program registration and/or attendance at NAHB’s Spring Leadership Meeting may be required before award disbursement.

Contribute to the NAHB Professional Women in Building/National Housing Endowment Scholarship Fund:

Join a growing number of homebuilders, industry professionals, individuals, and businesses in support of the NAHB Professional Women in Building/National Housing Endowment Scholarships. Visit , select the Donate Now tab, enter your payment information and enter NAHB PWB/NHE Housing Fund in the special purpose field.

Support Future NAHB Leaders Consider a donation to one or more of the great scholarship funds that help emerging residential construction professionals finish their education and engage with leadership in the NAHB Federation.