Why Join the Affordable Housing Group?

Contact: Dean Schwanke
[email protected]
VP, Multifamily Housing
(202) 266-8392

Why Join the Affordable Housing Group

The Affordable Housing Group (AHG) comprises NAHB housing professionals engaged in the development of affordable and workforce housing using tax credits, affordable housing programs, and other federal, state, local, institutional and private financing sources. Members include developers, owners, investors, syndicators, lenders, service providers and public officials involved in affordable and workforce housing.

Build Knowledge

Complimentary Multifamily Council Membership

AHG members automatically receive a membership to the NAHB Multifamily Council, providing access to all Multifamily Council benefits.

Affordable Housing and LIHTC Education

AHG members receive complimentary access to quarterly low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)-focused webinars as well as regular Multifamily Council webinars. AHG members also receive discounted registration to other NAHB-sponsored educational content.

Affordable Housing Monitor

AHG members receive a monthly affordable housing newsletter that keeps members informed about the latest legislative, regulatory and market developments affecting the affordable housing industry.

LIHTC Mapping Tool

The LIHTC Mapping Tool, exclusively available to AHG Associate and Steering Committee members, provides users with the opportunity to better understand the distribution of LIHTC housing in select Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and allows users to easily identify census tracts that are underserved and offer affordable housing development opportunities.

Housing Credit Certified Professional Designation

The Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) is a specialized designation for developers, property managers, asset managers and others working in the affordable housing industry through the LIHTC program. NAHB members receive discounts on HCCP designation and renewal fees.

Advocate for Change

Affordable Housing Advocacy

NAHB is a leading voice for affordable housing developers in Washington, especially as it relates to LIHTC and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) affordable housing programs. NAHB’s Government Affairs lobbyists and NAHB economists are well-versed in the LIHTC program and tax law, and are the voice on the Hill for members involved with LIHTC.

NAHB finance and regulatory staff are constantly monitoring and reviewing new and existing HUD programs and regulations to ensure that proposed changes are efficient and effective and serve to bolster a productive and healthy affordable housing market. AHG members are involved in setting the agenda and direction for NAHB’s legislative and regulatory action related to both LIHTC and HUD.

NAHB also engages on a variety of other advocacy issues that relate to affordable housing, such as housing finance reform, opportunity zones and land use/zoning issues.

to back up the needs of our members and use their expertise to support policy positions to help our multifamily and affordable housing members.

Make Connections

NAHB offers numerous events for affordable housing members to meet throughout the year, including the annual International Builders’ Show and NAHB Leadership Meetings.

Affordable Housing Meetings and Events at the International Builders’ Show (IBS)
The Multifamily Council and Affordable Housing Group holds a half day member meeting during the IBS event and also hosts a three-day comprehensive education program that focuses on all aspects of multifamily and affordable housing and offers multiple networking and education opportunities within the .

NAHB Leadership Meetings
The Multifamily Council and Affordable Housing Group also hold two other half-day meetings during the year as a part of the NAHB Spring and Fall Leadership meetings; during these meetings members discuss current issues and strategies for addressing housing policies and industry problems. AHG members can also attend numerous other committee meetings, such as the Housing Finance Committee.

Celebrate Excellence

Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards

AHG members have access to information about award-winning developments and also receive discounted application fees for the . The Pillars Awards highlight creative development concepts, innovative financing strategies, great design, and superior management and marketing in the apartment marketplace, including affordable and workforce housing developments.

Affordable Housing Group Membership

All current NAHB members are eligible to join the Affordable Housing Group (AHG). Membership into the AHG is on an individual basis. There are three different AHG membership levels:

($295 annually)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as a Builder member entitles you to an invitation to join all events, forums and meetings.

Builder members enjoy a complimentary subscription to Affordable Housing Monitor along with complimentary at-large membership in NAHB’s Multifamily Council (a $100 value).

Being a Builder member provides you with access to all special reports, webinars, primers and research results produced by NAHB and the Affordable Housing Group and access to the members-only section of the website.

($1,250 annually)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as an Associate member entitles you to all of the Builder member benefits and also allows you to both author articles for publication on the website and in member periodicals and present and distribute information at the Affordable Housing Group meetings.

Associate members also have access to NAHB’s LIHTC Mapping Tool. This tool shows the concentration of LIHTC units by Census tract and breaks down each tract into various income levels: very low, low, moderate or high for 13 major MSAs. New cities are added each year.

($2,500 annually)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as a Steering Committee member provides you with all the benefits of Builder and Associate membership — and more.

Steering Committee members help guide the Affordable Housing Group at the most senior level, setting the agenda and direction for legislative and regulatory action. Quarterly calls with NAHB staff leaders and other Steering Committee members keep you abreast of any breaking news or legislation in the multifamily and affordable housing space.

Steering Committee members may serve as speaker or advisor at steering committee events and other industry forums. They have opportunities to be featured in media events staged by NAHB Multifamily as well as in industry publications. Additionally, Steering Committee members can represent the Affordable Housing Group at congressional hearings or testify at other public forums on behalf of its members.