Grand Award Winners


Contact: Michael Davey
[email protected]
VP, Federation Services
(202) 266-8008

Numerical Increase

The highest year-end numerical increase in membership within each group size.

Local Associations:

State Associations:

  • Kansas Building Industry Association

Percentage Increase

The highest year-end percentage increase in membership growth within each group size.

Local Associations:

State Associations:

Retention Increase

The highest year-end membership retention rate within each group size.

Local Associations:

State Associations:

Affiliate Numerical Increase

The highest year-end numerical increase in Affiliate members within each group size of local associations only.

Local Group Sizes State Group Sizes
1,000+ members AA: 8,000+ members
700-999 A: 4,000-7,999
350-699 B: 2,000-3,999
200-349 C: 1,000-1,999
100-199 D: 999 or fewer