
2024 NAHB Education Approved Instructor Guidelines

Contact: Tatiana Molina
[email protected]
Manager, Instructor Services, NAHB Education
(202) 266-8445

All NAHB Approved Instructors must review, complete, and sign Instructor Guidelines each year to be allowed to teach NAHB Education courses. If you are a new NAHB instructor or have previously been approved to teach an NAHB Education course, please review, sign, and submit the 2024 Instructor Guidelines below.

Maintenance Requirements

To maintain NAHB Approved Instructor status, each instructor is required to:

  1. Review and electronically sign these annual instructor guidelines.
  2. Teach at least one course every five years. Instructors must apply for an extension of approved status by contacting NAHB Education, if this requirement is not met.
  3. Maintain a 4.5 or greater participation evaluation rating on a 5-point scale. Evaluation scores are reviewed quarterly based on a rolling average over a two-year period for individual courses. If an instructor fails to meet the required scores, NAHB Education will refer the instructor to the Instructor Review Committee. The instructor may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including the removal of approved status. These actions may be taken on an individual course basis or as an overall action based upon the committee’s recommendation.
  4. Review course materials and complete any additional requirements (if any) when courses are revised, updated or re-written.
  5. Notify NAHB Education if the instructor’s contact information changes to ensure that the NAHB Approved Instructor Directory is accurate.
  6. Refrain from holding any direct or indirect financial or ownership interest (for example, as an owner, operator, manager, consultant, or other principal) in any business that develops and/or presents educational programs or courses that, in NAHB’s reasonable judgment, are similar to NAHB Education’s programs and courses. This does not preclude any NAHB Approved Instructor from merely instructing or teaching any other such programs or courses.

Instructor Materials

  1. Once approval has been granted, NAHB Education will lend (free of charge) one set of instructor hard copy materials for the course the instructor is approved to teach, the first time the instructor is scheduled to teach it. These lent materials remain the property of NAHB Education and must be returned should the instructor’s approved status be terminated. In the event of loss or damage, instructors can order replacement copies for $60 apiece. Prior to being scheduled to teach, instructors may access the instructor guide and PowerPoint presentation via the Instructor FTP site.
  2. The FTP site has individual login credentials and instructors are expected to keep track of their username and password. The password is only active for 120 days, so the instructor is responsible for knowing his/her old password to reset the new one. There is a “forgot my password” button on the login page to reset your password.
  3. Should the instructor desire to supplement the course materials with additional student materials, these materials must be provided to the HBA or other licensed organization for duplication no less than two weeks prior to a scheduled class. The instructor is responsible for any extra charges incurred by the licensed organization as a result of the materials arriving less than two weeks in advance.
  4. Any supplemental materials must be restricted to the subject matter of the course and may not include any promotional materials for the instructor or his/her company. The instructor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify NAHB from and against any alleged liability that arises from the use of any instructor-provided supplemental materials.
  5. In virtual format courses instructors will not record any part of the course session and will not provide any recording to students or sites.
  6. In the case of virtual courses, the instructor will download the PowerPoint from the FTP site under the Virtual Courses folder. These PowerPoints provide slides specific to the virtual class and how students will take their test.


  1. The instructor will execute an instructor agreement with the licensed organization and will return a copy of said agreement to the licensed organization’s contact prior to conducting any class. That agreement will outline all fees and disbursements payable to the instructor. The instructor may request no additional remuneration beyond that outlined in the agreement.
  2. The instructor must dress appropriately and professionally.
  3. The instructor must arrive at least thirty (30) minutes before the class starts. The instructor must be fully prepared to teach the curriculum. The average instructor requires between four to eight hours of preparation for each hour of class time. The instructor must remain in the classroom until all tests have been collected.
  4. The instructor will follow the developed curriculum as outlined according to the instructor guide, which includes using the audio-visual materials provided, outlined class activities and must teach the course for its fully scheduled time. At the beginning of each class the instructor must make time to allow students to complete their registration information on the Scantron forms and must read the instructions provided by the licensed organization’s contact. Incomplete or inaccurate registration forms may result in students not receiving credit for the class.
  5. The instructor may not use class time for self-promotion or company promotion.
  6. The use of profanity is inappropriate and must not take place in the in-person or virtual classroom. Professional conduct is always required.
  7. The instructor shall afford the professional respect due to NAHB, the licensed organization and its staff. These organizations serve their members through educational opportunities such as these courses. The instructor shall not belittle or make derogatory remarks about the curriculum, NAHB, affiliated NAHB subsidiaries (such as, the Home Innovation Research Labs, Home Builders Institute), the sponsoring organization or its staff. The instructor should not, in any way, use his/her NAHB Approved Instructor status to promote his/her private business.
  8. The instructor will not make discriminatory remarks and will uphold equal opportunity guidelines.
  9. If the licensed organization has received approval for continuing education credits, the instructor must adhere to individual state and organization guidelines regarding those continuing education credits. In some instances, those rules and regulations will take precedence over the Instructor Guidelines.
  10. The instructor is required to be available to assist participants with questions regarding course content during the course. If possible, the instructor also should be available before and after the course to answer any course- or designation-related questions.
  11. In the case of CAPS courses, the instructor must administer the test on-site for in-person courses and online for virtual courses over the last thirty (30) minutes of the course. It is never, under any circumstance, acceptable for the instructor to give students any of the answers prior to the test or to review the test while students still have the test scantron in their possession. Instructors may share answers with students for an in-person class only after all test scantrons have been collected. Due to the nature of online test taking and the ability for students to take the test for 24 hours, instructors may not share answers to the test with virtual course students.
  12. The licensed organization is solely responsible for the administration, distribution, collection, and submission of the in-person course evaluations to NAHB Education. To ensure that all evaluations are unbiased, the instructor shall not, in any way, distribute, collect or otherwise be involved in the students’ evaluation process.
  13. After all evaluation and registration materials have been collected by the licensed organization’s contact and all students have left the classroom, the instructor may review the evaluations on-site. The evaluations must not be modified in any way or removed from the course materials for any reason. Tampering with the evaluations in any way may be grounds for immediate revocation of approved instructor status.
  14. Any documented violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action against the instructor, up to and including revocation of the instructor’s approved status.
  15. Upon receipt of a written complaint regarding the conduct of an instructor, the matter will be referred to the Instructor Review Committee for review. The instructor has the right to refute the alleged complaint in writing, to be submitted prior to the consideration of any disciplinary action.
  16. An instructor under disciplinary review must make himself/herself available for a conference call meeting with the Instructor Disciplinary Group. If an instructor fails to make himself/herself available for this hearing, or fails to dispute the complaint, the instructor’s approved status will be summarily revoked.
  17. Decisions made by the Instructor Review Committee may be appealed to the full NAHB Education Committee. In the event of such an appeal, members of the Instructor Review Committee shall be excluded from voting on the appeal. The Education Committee has the authority to override or modify the actions of the Instructor Review Committee.

The instructor’s acknowledgement / electronic signature indicates his/her agreement to follow all the terms and conditions of the NAHB Approved Instructor Guidelines.

Please provide your most up-to-date contact information and electronically sign below this agreement. Failure to sign and submit the Instructor Guidelines will result in the instructor's removal from the Approved Instructor List.

If the Submit button is grayed out, please make sure that all required fields are filled in.