Help Keep Everyone Safe on Jobsites with Free Videos from NAHB
NAHB has a library of dozens of jobsite safety videos that are free to anyone in the construction industry.
Through a partnership with the Job-Site Safety Institute and the National Housing Endowment, NAHB has been producing the Video Toolbox Talk series for years. There are informative videos on numerous safety topics such as fall prevention, ladder safety, electrical safety, mental health awareness, and more.
In addition to the videos, NAHB offers accompanying one-page handouts covering the materials in each video. Combined with the videos, the handouts can be used to stage proper 10-minute safety standdowns at any time on a jobsite.
All the safety videos and handouts are available in English and Spanish.
Visit the Video Toolbox Talks page to see all the videos. The videos also are published on the to share easily. HBAs can use the brief video teaser below to promote the safety videos as a resource for members.