
Develop Business Strategies for Building Healthier, More Efficient Homes

Education at IBS

Energy efficiency is a primary driver in home buyer preferences. According to NAHB research, the majority of buyers prefer to go green when provided the option, such as incorporating passive solar design and durable materials into their homes.

Buyers are generally willing to spend more on green certifications as well, including homes certified to an above-code standard for health and wellness — features that have becoming increasingly important in the wake of COVID-19.

Builders who are interested in tapping into these interests should consider attending the following education sessions at the 2024 NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) to learn more about how they can profitably incorporate energy-efficient and healthy building practices into their homes, and take advantage of existing tax incentives.

Tuesday, Feb. 27 | 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
LVCC - West 204

Sustained consumer desire as well as new financial incentives are driving demand for healthier, high performing homes and communities. Still, many builders remain uncertain on how to proceed. Many fear increased costs when a home is built as a healthy, energy-efficient system, but with the right approach, a near equal number of costs can be reduced, as can builder liability. This session will focus on the four pillars that will allow healthier, high performing homes and communities to become an attainable and profitable reality for your business.

Tuesday, Feb. 27 | 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
LVCC - West 220

Consumer demand and code mandates make high performance a must-have in new home design, but builders must learn how to monetize these features for bottom line profits that last. Three industry veterans share home plans and images to prove how designs with high performance elements, equipment and technology can increase profits for builders.

Tuesday, Feb. 27 | 2 - 3 p.m.
LVCC - West 204

In this session, learn the critical concepts for achieving zero energy and zero carbon homes along with the business case for doing so profitably. Explore a total cost accounting method to capture all related costs and benefits and discover the most cost-effective options for the most critical component, the enclosure.

Thursday, Feb. 29 | 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
LVCC - West 207

This session explores the tax saving opportunities, including the R&D Tax Credit, 45L Tax Credit and the 179D Deduction, brought about by the Inflation Reduction Act and other recent legislative changes. Through history and industry case studies, dive into the credits, deductions, eligible properties and qualifications for these tax incentives.

Looking for more information on specific high performance building concepts? Check out the following programs from the and :

Wednesday, Feb. 28 | 4:15-4:45 p.m
LVCC - Design Central - West 213

Residential electrification has become a major part of the design and construction conversation as the building industry transitions to a healthier, more sustainable future. This interactive presentation and peer-to-peer discussion explores the pros and cons, potential solutions and perspectives from around the globe as builders try to chart the best path forward.

Thursday, Feb. 29 | 9:30 - 10 a.m.
LVCC - IBS Construction Performance Zone - SU253

High performance isn’t limited to custom clients with ample budgets. Learn about some of the world’s best performers, multifamily Passive House Certified projects that save their residents operating costs, maximize owners’ profits, reduce maintenance and increased tenant retention.

Thursday, Feb. 29 | 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.
LVCC - Design Central - West 213

Using examples and imagery of technologies and building practices innovated by student teams over the history of the Solar Decathlon, panelists discuss the progression of norms for building practices and energy codes and explore the trajectory of the technology to see what we can expect from future build projects to help us prepare for the challenges we will face on that journey.

Thursday, Feb. 29 | 2 - 2:30 p.m.
LVCC - IBS Construction Performance Zone - SU253

Verifying the performance of our assemblies is crucial to delivering the product as planned. From blower door testing to thermal imaging and data logging, this demonstration outlines the diagnostic testing techniques and equipment you’ll need for new construction and finding problems in existing homes.

Visit BuildersShow.com available at the 2024 IBS and to register for for full access to the 2024 IBS educational sessions.

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