How to Talk About Impact Fees

Land Development
Contacts: Nicholas Julian
[email protected]
Director, Land Use
(202) 266-8309

Karl Eckhart
[email protected]
VP, State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 266-8319

Considering economic pressures on local governments, it’s easy to understand why local governments are increasingly turning to impact fees for the provision of public services.

Impact fees act as a tax on new housing that significantly adds to the cost of a housing development. The cost is then passed on to prospective home buyers and renters.

Aside from a tax, impact fees can be a form of exclusionary zoning that would increase housing costs and price out certain groups of prospective home owners from the housing market.

Impact fees not only lead to an increase in the price of new homes but also an increase in the prices of existing homes, placing new and existing homes out of reach for potential buyers.

In short, artificially raising housing costs through fees prices out potential home owners which contribute to the housing affordability crisis.

The building community is dedicated to working with the public and private sector to develop a fee structure that is paired with incentives for development such as reduced parking requirements or density bonuses.

Materials and Resources

  • PowerPoint

    The Challenges of Impact Fees

    This resource provides an overview of impact fees, the issues surrounding impact fees, and resources highlighting alternative housing options to help educate officials.

  • Report

    Impact Fee Handbook

    This handbook was developed to provide home builders and other parties interested in impact fees a resource for exploring these issues and to provide strategies for achieving balanced infrastructure financing solutions
