Case Studies: Combating Impact Fees

Land Development
Contacts: Nicholas Julian
[email protected]
Director, Land Use
(202) 266-8309

Karl Eckhart
[email protected]
VP, State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 266-8319

NAHB and its local and state affiliates have been active in combating impact fees, which affect housing affordability and target specific groups — namely home builders and residents of new developments — for services that are used by the general public as a whole.

The following court decisions highlight some of NAHB’s recent efforts:

  • Sheetz vs. El Dorado County
    NAHB and the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) submitted two amicus briefs in the case supporting the home owner.
  • Southern Arizona HBA vs. Town of Marana
    The Southern Arizona Home Builders Association, on behalf of its members, filed a lawsuit claiming the town’s impact fees were illegal since they only applied to future home owners and not current residents.

The following are additional examples of how NAHB and other organizations have worked to combat impact fees.

Case Studies

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    Homes for All Now Campaign

    The Homes for All Now campaign — developed by the Gold Coast Builders Association (GCBA) and the Builders Association of South Florida (BASF) — encourages community members to ask city, county and school district elected officials to curb excessive impact fees.

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