Construction worker carrying wood with proper gloves and hat

Remodelers Safety Program Toolkit


The Remodelers Safety & Health Program Version 1.0 (November 2022) is a model company safety program for businesses primarily engaged in remodeling of residential buildings and is intended to cover their employees only. It contains the materials needed to effortlessly set up a safety program for your company, and is intended to be used by management, who can take the safety program and provide it to each project so that each site (or superintendent, if applicable) will have a site-specific program.

This program is designed with small companies in mind. It is intended as a practical, hands-on guide for implementing an effective safety program without hiring an additional employee or consultant to develop it. It will be revised periodically to ensure it includes the latest information remodelers need.

Download the complete safety program in English or Spanish and use the forms below to execute the program and display on jobsites.


Safety Inspection Checklist
Scaffold Inspection Form
Chemical Inventory List
Employee Training Record Form
Safety Meeting/Tool Box Talk Roster
OSHA Recordkeeping Forms
Injury Accident Investigation
Non-Injury Near Miss Investigation
Property Damage Investigation
Witness Statement Form
Emergency Contact Form
Silica Written Exposure Control Plan
OSHA Scaffold Guide
OSHA Ladder Safety QuickCard
OSHA Stepladder Fact Sheet
OSHA Fall Prevention Fact Sheet (English)
OSHA Fall Prevention Fact Sheet (Spanish)
OSHA Silica Fiber Cement Board Fact Sheet
NIOSH-OSHA Nail Gun Safety Guide (English)
NIOSH-OSHA Nail Gun Safety Guide (Spanish)
OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet (English)
OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet (Spanish)
OSHA Hand & Power Tool Safety Booklet
OSHA Posters (English)
OSHA Posters (Spanish)

OSHA Job Hazard Analysis Booklet

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NAHB James Hardie Logo
Remodelers Safety Program English version
Remodelers Safety Program - Spanish Spanish version