Water in Community Development

Contact: Sustainability and Green Building
[email protected]

Bird's eye view of houses surrounded by a body of water

A water-driven design approach can help enable continued community development and home building in all regions of the country. Stormwater can be re-imagined as an asset for building more resilient communities, rather than as a liability and waste product of development.

  • Total Hydrology Planning

    Total hydrology planning is a methodology developed by landscape architecture firm Consilium Design, an NAHB member, to identify and utilize all water resources on a project site. It uses strategies best suited to the relationship between the climate and site-specific conditions of a project to achieve a balance between a site’s water supply and demand. Such projects are better positioned to be more resilient to drought and storm events.

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  • As climate change brings more frequent and severe droughts, water-stressed communities are looking for new sources of drinking water. Source hydropanels are producing drinking water in 52 countries.