Single-Family Built for Rent

Land Development

Resolved that the NAHB (NAHB) work with housing stakeholders and federal, state and local policy makers to explore the development of new funding options for all types of single-family built for rent (SFBFR) communities.

Further resolved that NAHB support public policy that balances SFBFR development along with providing opportunity for homeownership through the construction of for-sale housing to meet market demand and unique, local needs at all price points.

Further resolved that NAHB oppose government-imposed limitations on SFBFR, such as rent control, inclusionary zoning regulations or tax penalties, and local zoning regulations that restrict new SFBFR.

Resolution originally adopted: 2022.10 No. 3 Single Family Built for Rent

Committee with primary jurisdiction: Federal Government Affairs

Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download