Workforce Development Champion Checklist

Contact: Greg Zick
[email protected]
AVP, Workforce Development
(202) 266-8493

Workforce Development Champions dedicate time or resources to help inspire the next generation of skilled trades professionals. NAHB’s annual Workforce Development Champions program recognizes the achievements of advocates.

Champions who complete at least two workforce development activities on the checklist beginning Sept. 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2024, will receive a recognition packet and will be featured as a Champion on. In addition, Champions who complete at least one activity in the gold category will receive special recognition at an NAHB leadership meeting.



Members who receive bronze recognition dedicate about 1-3 hours to workforce development activities.


Members who receive silver recognition dedicate about 3-9 hours to workforce development activities.


Members who receive gold recognition dedicate about 10+ hours to workforce development activities.