How to Earn Your HCCP

Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP)
Contact: NAHB Learning Helpline
[email protected]
(800) 368-5242 ext. 8154

The Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) is a specialized credential for developers, property managers, asset managers, state housing agency professionals and others working in the affordable housing industry through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. To earn the HCCP credential, candidates must complete a 10-hour LIHTC training course, typically through one of numerous HCCP distributors. Following this training, HCCP designee candidates must take and pass the HCCP exam — which is offered via a distributor — and also meet the other requirements noted below.

Requirements for Achieving the HCCP Credential

  • Successful completion of an in-person HCCP Exam ($225 fee; $125 for retakes) or the ($255 fee; $155 for ) or online proctored testing center HCCP exam sessions ($335 fee).
  • Minimum of two years’ experience in the LIHTC industry. (Those who do not yet meet this requirement may consider themselves an HCCP candidate until reaching two years of experience.)
  • Adherence to the HCCP Code of Ethics

Importance Notice for All Active and Inactive HCCPs Regarding Credential Renewals

Benefits of Achieving the HCCP Credential

NAHB staff and the HCCP Board of Governors are committed to maintaining and expanding the professional benefits of obtaining the HCCP credential. These benefits include:

  • Receipt of a highly respected and recognized HCCP credential certifying that the candidate has mastered a broad and detailed body of knowledge related to the LIHTC program
  • A congratulatory welcome kit, including a plaque, HCCP lapel pin, HCCP ribbon and sample press release for your company to use internally or for local media recognition
  • Inclusion in the HCCP section of the online Professionals With Home Building Credentials Directory
  • A subscription to The Credential, a quarterly e-newsletter developed by the HCCP Board of Governors to provide HCCPs the latest LIHTC industry information
  • Discounted or free registration to one-hour educational webinars offered quarterly. HCCPs who attend each webinar can fulfill their annual continuing education requirement.
  • Access to the professional LinkedIn group for active HCCPs
  • Access to LIHTC technical assistance through NAHB staff and the HCCP Board of Governors

HCCP Training and Exam

Several distributor organizations across the United States are approved to offer the HCCP exam as NAHB Distributors. Most offer training in-person and online in conjunction with the exam. Separate fees apply for training offered by distributors, and candidates should contact them directly for additional information regarding training course offerings and schedules. The provides a current list of upcoming HCCP courses offered by distributors.

View an upcoming schedule of in-person HCCP exams and exam retakes by visiting the NAHB Education Calendar and searching for “Housing Credit Certified Professional.” If there is not one listed or convenient, it means that there is not one currently scheduled. You will need to check back at a later time or reach out directly to a distributor near you.

Organizations interested in distributing the HCCP exam should contact Dean Schwanke at (800) 368-5242 x8392 to find out what is required.

Study for the HCCP exam by reviewing these sample HCCP questions.

Online exam and re-take exams results are typically processed within 10 business days.

Please note: HCCP candidates who took training previously with a distributor prior to an exam and are looking for a certificate of completion should contact the distributor directly.

Preparing for the HCCP Exam

The HCCP exam is designed for current LIHTC practitioners. It covers development, compliance and management issues and is a comprehensive, multiple-choice exam with a “best answer” format. The exam is proctored over 2.5 hours. The pass rate is subject to change based on the current exam version. Industry experience, coupled with a review of the content found in a training course, should help you prepare. Contact HCCP distributors to discuss their training program and scheduled HCCP exam.

Obtaining the HCCP Credential

Once a candidate has passed the HCCP exam, they must complete and submit the online , or the print version, to the HCCP program administrator with application fees. Please note submittal via email and fax are not inclusive in the online application process. The HCCP application fee is $195 for NAHB members and $245 for non-members. If candidates do not complete this process within the three-year period following their successful passing of the HCCP exam, they will be required to retake the exam. .

Maintaining the HCCP Credential

Credential holders can keep their HCCP credential in good standing by completing four hours of LIHTC-related continuing education (CE) each year. Credential holders are not required to send in proof of CE earned at time of renewal. If they are chosen for a random audit, NAHB will contact them directly and ask for the proof of CE at that time. Credential holders may submit proof of continuing education using our online or mail/fax CE form.

Also, credential holders are required to pay the annual renewal fee of $195 for NAHB members or $245 for non-members. HCCPs will receive their renewal invoice via email about 60 days before their credential is set to expire. If your contact information has changed, please update it using the online form.

Need a renewal invoice? Call the Learning Helpline at 800-368-5242 x8154.

Effective Jan. 1, 2017, credential holders who have lapsed longer than one year from their renewal date will pay a $50 reinstatement fee in addition to the renewal fee. Those who have lapsed longer than three years must retake the HCCP exam at the exam retake price and submit payment of renewal fee in addition to the reinstatement fee.

HCCP Board and Technical Advisory Group Contact Information

For questions, comments or concerns, please contact any member of the HCCP Board of Governors or the Technical Advisory Group.