HCCP Distributors

Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP)
Contact: NAHB Learning Helpline
[email protected]
(800) 368-5242 ext. 8154

These organizations are approved to offer the HCCP exam in-person and online. Most offer training in conjunction with the exam across the U.S. You will need to reach out to the contacts directly below to register for any training offered and get information on taking the exam online.

To see where the nearest HCCP exam is being offered in-person, search the Education Calendar and use keyword “HCCP.”

If you are near a local home builder association with an education license, ask if a staff member will proctor the retake in-person.

A.J. Johnson Services, Inc.
Williamsburg, Va.
A.J. Johnson
(757) 259-9920
[email protected]

Costello Compliance
Sioux Falls, S.D.
Scott Michael Dunn
[email protected]

First Housing
Tampa, Fla.
Christa L. Landram, C5P, COS, HCCP
[email protected]

Karen A Graham Consulting LLC
Liberty Township, Ohio
Karen Graham
(513) 755-7009
[email protected]

Kay-Kay Realty
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Michael Kotin
(480) 941-6141
[email protected]

M&L Compliance Management, LLC
Camp Hill, Penn.
Bette Newcomer
(717) 717-972-5711
[email protected]

Nan McKay and Associates
El Cajon, Calif.
Samantha Sowards
(800) 783-3100 x120
[email protected]

Nan McKay and Associates
El Cajon, Calif.
Sheryl Putnam
(800) 783-3100 x126
[email protected]

Novogradac & Company LLP
San Francisco, Calif.
Stephanie Naquin
(415) 356-8073
[email protected]

Preferred Compliance Solutions
Logan, Utah
Kelly Wakefield
(321) 284-4233 x1117
[email protected]

TheoPro Compliance and Consulting
Oshkosh, Wisc.
Betty Neau
(877) 783-1133
[email protected]

US Housing Consultants
Chichester, N.H.
Amanda Lee Gross
(603) 223-0003 x105
[email protected]

Zeffert and Associates
St. Louis, Mo.
Mandi Lewis
(866) 760-6000
[email protected]