ࡱ> /2.9 bjbj *hhRRRRRffffz fRaaa$B!XRaaRR  RRQf."0R%,P"4P"QP"RQlaL6,aaaaaaRP"aaaaaaaaaX : SAMPLE PROCLAMATION FOR CITY OR STATE How to use this document: Fill in the blanks as appropriate and print on your council or association letterhead Add any other statements you would like to make about your council's activities Contact your mayor or governors office to request that the proclamation be passed If you have contacts in the governor's office, try to get a statewide proclamation passed If the Mayor/Governor's office agrees to issue the proclamation, some media outlets may send a photographer to cover the story. Others make ask that you send a high-res photo and caption to the editor. Distribute the photos and a copy of the signed proclamation to your local media immediately following the event. ________________________________________________________________________ Whereas, the number of existing housing units in the United States exceeds 138 million, and Whereas American households spent approximately $471 billion over the last four quarters on maintaining and improving their homes, and Whereas professional remodeling contractors provide a valuable service to homeowners and their communities by contributing to the maintenance, value and beauty of their homes, and Whereas (LOCAL REMODELERS COUNCIL NAME) joins with over 80 state and local affiliate chapters of the NAHB in recognizing the importance of selecting professional remodelers, the availability of accurate consumer information, and the many benefits of a professionally remodeled home, and Whereas (LOCAL REMODELERS COUNCIL NAME) will celebrate May 2024 as National Home Remodeling Month by (DESCRIBE LOCAL REMODELERS ACTIVITIES), and Now, therefore, be it resolved that I, (MAYOR OR GOVERNOR) of (CITY OR STATE) declare May 2024 as (CITY OR STATE) National Home Remodeling Month. %&'BC < 5 ? J a   h i k y z       B  567徸審坸嗗帑 hUCJ hv/CJ h\CJ ht CJ htCCJh@h@CJ hd@CJhRYhW90CJht 6CJOJQJ]^JhbS6CJOJQJ]^J hbSCJ hbSCJ hbS5CJ OJQJ\^J9&'BC<   y z   $ & Fa$$a$$a$7mw  ht CJ hUCJ hd@CJ hRCJ hv/CJ hbSCJ(/ =!"#$% x2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH   Heading 1R$$$d!%d$&d!'d$@&N!O$P!Q$a$6CJOJQJ]^JDA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y H7  8@0(  B S  ?    =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace H%335?`aHHhhikBB57mw5?`aHHhhikBB57 { Bַh hh^h`OJQJo(h 88^8`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h   ^ `OJQJo(h   ^ `OJQJo(oh xx^x`OJQJo(h HH^H`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo( { B         r t URg/v/W90d@tC PbSRYLai@\$Y`E@@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x ArialC.,.{$ Calibri Light7..{$ Calibri?= .Cx Courier New;WingdingsA$BCambria Math"h{'{'C    !203Q@P?E2!xx=q2  NAHBWhitney Richardson Oh+'0  8 D P \hpx NAHBNormalWhitney Richardson2Microsoft Office Word@@²啿@f3f@f3f  ՜.+,0  hp  (NAHB   Title  !"#$%'()*+,-014Root Entry FPIf3@1Table `"WordDocument *SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8&MsoDataStore7ff0VSS30CEDTJJ3==27ffItem !PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q